Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Holiday: Christmas

     Christmas is just around the corner and so is the end of the year. I always thought Thanksgiving was one the  best holiday but you know actually Christmas is. I say this because on Thanksgiving all you do is eat food well as on Christmas you get gifts. I love getting gifts because you get new things that you don't have. Also you have more things to put in collections if you collect  things.Every time I think of Christmas the first thing I think about are gifts and not the whole meaning of Christmas happening. The true meaning is to serve our savior's birthday. This is why you should think of Christmas whole meaning before the gifts.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dinner Tonight

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Tonight we had type of Mexican food. We had tacos. Tacos are so good  that you can eat them all day. I always eat tacos and never get tired of them. In my taco there is ground turkey, shredded cheese,lettuce, and the special taco sauce. Tacos just make you want to melt down. So next time you eat dinner pick tacos.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy Holiday: Thanksgiving

         Thanksgiving is a holiday when you eat, spend time with your family, and give thanks. When people think of Thanksgiving the first thing that pops in their mine is probably food. I say this because I know people love food, so they think about all the good food that they are going to eat. Also, on Thanksgiving people go to other family members houses and play games and talk to their family members. On Thanksgiving I go to my Aunt's house and my family and I eat, and play games all night. Then, all of the women look through the magazines for the next day. Finally, in the morning they all go to the stores. I think Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays. I say this because I like to spend time with my family. This is normally how my Thanksgiving goes.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Exciting Holidays: Halloween

You know halloween just passed I bet it was fun. I am going to tell the fun things that people do on halloween. People do a lot of things on halloween. They go to neighborhood houses for candy. This activity is called trick-or-treating. Also, some just sit at home pass out candy and also eat candy. Even though candy can get your teeth rotten it sooooo good. If you eat candy your teeth won't always rot just make sure you brush your teeth and floss. If you do this task your teeth should be just find. On halloween I go trick-or-treating to my neighbors houses. Next, I go home and dump my candy on the floor in my house. Then, I check all my candy to make sure it is not open or has anything in it that can harm my body. Finally, I eat some of the deli.....cious candy I recieved. This is why halloween is an exciting holiday.