Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy Holiday: Thanksgiving

         Thanksgiving is a holiday when you eat, spend time with your family, and give thanks. When people think of Thanksgiving the first thing that pops in their mine is probably food. I say this because I know people love food, so they think about all the good food that they are going to eat. Also, on Thanksgiving people go to other family members houses and play games and talk to their family members. On Thanksgiving I go to my Aunt's house and my family and I eat, and play games all night. Then, all of the women look through the magazines for the next day. Finally, in the morning they all go to the stores. I think Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays. I say this because I like to spend time with my family. This is normally how my Thanksgiving goes.

1 comment:

  1. Can`t wait to see family and stuff my face with turkey!
